Saturday, November 6, 2010

lovin' you ain't always easy, fool

i don't mince words. You all should know that by now. so here's a shoutout to a country song i wish i could write, "Lovin' You Ain't Always Easy, Fool."

good love, the kind that never comes in complete packages, is the way to go, i think. it might be that neighbor you've had for so long you've become close enough to criticize one another. it could be your dog -- the lil' friend that's stood by while you've made the most absurd choices... the ones that lead you down lanes of horror. but most of all, the fool who loves you and sticks by your insane choices is that person you'll decide to spend the rest of your life with. And you'll find yourself saying in one way or another, "Lovin' you ain't always easy, fool!"

just remember, the sentiment is not a one-way street. nonetheless, let's focus on how you feel for the time being. because you're right, right! yes, at least long enough to get you through an argument... the same argument you have every single time you have an agrument. tell me i'm wrong. go ahead.

ah, love. it tries to be forgiving. some love is easily forgiving, others kinds... not so much. partnerships are hard as hell, raising kids, creating goals, daily chores, daily hassles, bills, appointments, the friends you have to attend to, the lack of sleep, the overworking that causes you to wish you could be alone forever... seriously, forever in a cool, dark cave. alas, life begs you to pay attention to it, and all its players. stoopid! i'm over it! i'm fucking tired! and then your heart gets involved, and you carry your crotchety ass to the shower and begin anew. begin again. and try to be fresh for those you love, even some you don't love at all. though you may pretend you do. or try to.

lovin' you ain't always easy, fool. it's not just a mantra for the 40-years married couple. it's the truth in surviving humanity, in surviving yourself. being good to people all the time is probably for the best of us all, but it sure ain't the easiest of all.

remembering the true loves of your whole life can help, be they friends, family, old flames, carriers of your heart, the sickness in love you personified years ago. be forgiving. love the lost, especially when you are among them. love the self-indulged, the drifter, the fool, the crazy, the perfect, the lonely, and the attention-starved, no matter how crazy any of them drive you. because guaranteed, you drive at least one -- and i'm being forgiving here -- at least one person crazy all the time. i know i do.

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