Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In Memory of Janie Diaz

Rebirth by Lil' Wayne has made me feel like I have been reborn. Sound silly? Pick up the album and give it a listen. This is not some hopped up gangsta pushing his game, this is straight up, from the heart, soulful, wise, meaningful, brave, and uninhibited.

I had always thought Lil' Wayne was one of those people who just showed up on everyone else's albums with no real identity of his own. I could not have been more wrong. I associated him with purple drank (which I think we should all try at least once before judging) and totally understood why The Onion portrayed him in an hilarious light in their online feature, Weezey F. Baby [see video below]

DEA Recruits Lil Wayne To Use Up All Drugs In Mexico

All the funnies aside, Lil' Wayne's latest album, "Rebirth" is one amazing track after the next. From laughing to crying, goose bumps to "fuck yeahs" you'll feel a piece of yourself in here, I promise.

The best part of the album aside from the lyrics is his own musical style -- you've never heard some shit like this before, I promise. Some have said it's rap meets rock -- I agree to an extent, but there's also an untouchable soulfulness there, and though it doesn't sound like James Brown, that essence of hard working do-it-til-you-make-it and "fuck the game in entertainment" is very much there.

This guy is tapping into some major topics and telling his truth about them. So what do you have in common with Lil' Wayne? Listen to Rebirth and find out.

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