Thursday, July 15, 2010

Justin Bobby is like so much cooler than Spencer Pratt you guys

he is. let's be honest. is he still a doucher? yep. but here's the thing that makes me hate him even more slash hate him a little less. he's honest. but this also sucks. here's the deal. there are guys that feed chicks what they want to hear to sack them, and then there are guys who are either so hot or so kewl that when they tell a chick they're not down for a relationship she just tries to wait him out, like Audrina did.

there are rules to this game you guys. you have to be so hot it's insane or so cool I want to kill myself because I just met the only person cooler than the Biblical Christ. as a washed up old bitty myself, i have no stakes in this game. thank fucking god.

i know plenty of Audrinas and have been one myself plenty. now that i have hindsight (across a much larger ass) i can tell you, we all need a Justin Bobby before we move into maturity... but once we've matured, the Justin Bobby dudes have to go, like, for realzies you guys, like forever. Why? they make you hate yourself because you sit there wondering why if they think you're so hot and so cool then why won't they commit to you? because they don't want to. THE END. it's not necessarily because they are shitty people [though some are, let's be honest]. it's because they have no idea that they should have any idea. that's it. that's all there is. i know i wanted to hear something so much more profound when i was single... but that's it. sucks.

now let's look at the flip side. you find your true love young [Lord knows i would have married mine behind a dumpster when i was 16!] and you both decide. "this is it!" chances are, you are in a Spencer Pratt situation or something at least somewhat similar unless you are among the lucky minority. And Spencer hates minorities. and children. and other humans. we won't even go into what Heidi did to herself, God bless her little soul.

most women worth their salt have to have a Justin Bobby or two. then they can wake up at some point [in their 20s or their 30s] and say, "Hey, he had me by the tits, but at least it wasn't long term!"

imagine the fantasy came true, that every girl sacked her Justin Bobby. nothing would ever mystify human sexuality again. if you sack a Justin Bobby forever, you have just gutted what he is. Justin Bobby dudes are pupae [usually] of guys who will be good to someone later -- but it just isn't you and if you try to force it to be you then you only waste more time. better to walk away and keep walking. find another Justin Bobby or just some guy named Joe, or Jaime, or whatever. as long as you don't go Spencer Pratt you should be okay.

disclaimer: Janie Diaz does not watch The Hills

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